December 10, 2006
Most people know that a lot of what we think we know about the birth of Christ is derived from myth and tradition rather than history. Even those who accept scripture as literal truth will acknowledge that the narratives of the birth and infancy of Jesus are very thin on detail. There’s no grumpy innkeeper turning the weary travelers away, merely a mention that the inn was full. The visitors who bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh are identified as wise men or astrologers, not as kings, and they are neither named nor limited in number to three. (There aren’t any camels, either.) And if you want your crèche to appear accurate, you shouldn’t place these figures there alongside the shepherds and the angel choir. We love these familiar elements, but they need not (indeed, must not) get in the way of understanding what it is we ponder in Advent and celebrate on Christmas Day — the extravagant gift of the Word made flesh to dwell among us and show us the way, the truth, and the life.
This morning the local newspaper, the Harrisburg Patriot-News, began its annual series called “Twelve Days of Caring.” Each day a different social service agency is highlighted, usually a small one that serves a niche need and might be overlooked by traditional funding sources in favor of larger, more well-known charities. Today’s article featured the Silence of Mary Home, a facility founded and run by two dedicated lay people (Sue and Vern Rudy, a married couple) who offer the stability of a “family home” (not a conventional group home nor a shelter) to castaway, runaway, and some adjudicated youth. They operate on a shoestring budget and depend on contributions and the help of volunteers to keep things going.
The writer of the article is Mary Klaus, who writes often for this newspaper about religion. She gives an explanation for the name of the place. “As for the name, Silence of Mary refers to how out of fear Mary initially kept silent about her immaculate conception of Jesus, [Sue] Rudy said. Troubled teens many times keep silent about the hardships they face, she said.”
Ouch! I wrote to the newspaper’s “letters to the editor” address and to the reporter directly:
The Immaculate Conception is a dogma of the Roman Catholic church proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854: “The Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, . . . preserved immune from all stain of original sin.” The phrase “immaculate conception” refers to the belief that Mary, conceived in the normal way by her parents, was, from that very moment, blessed more than any other created person with an entirely unique holiness. The phrase makes no reference at all to the conception of Jesus by the action of the Holy Spirit, nor to the virgin birth.
Scripture tells us that, rather than keeping silent and living in fear, Mary accepted with humility the news announced to her by the angel: “Then Mary said, Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
I have already heard from the reporter, who indicated in her signature line that she works four to midnight, Sunday through Thursday. She identifies herself as a devout Catholic and the sister of a priest, who had attended Mass on Friday, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (as it was in my childhood, a holy day of obligation for US Catholics). She acknowledged that I was right, and that she knew the dogma, but “That’s what Sue said.”
This confusion of the two doctrines always irritates me. If people think that the conception of Jesus is “immaculate” because it was not accomplished by an act of human intercourse, does that make the other conceptions (such as mine and yours and those of our beautiful children conceived in love and joy) “un-immaculate,” or dirty somehow? The reporter indicates that she is Catholic, and from information given in the story about the Rudys, I would conclude that they are as well. I certainly don’t think that only Catholics should know the difference between the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Birth (my daughter, who has been raised Lutheran, knows). But of all people, a Catholic journalist and a Catholic woman of charitable bent should know.
I’m not a journalist. But if I were writing the piece, I’d have written around the error pronounced by the home’s founder, or eliminated the reference altogether. Actually, had I done the the interview, it would have been hard for me not to lecture this sincere but poorly informed woman that Mary, rather than living in silent fear, accepted the role God chose her for and thus became for us a model of grace and servanthood.
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The distinctly Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which you should realise is not shared by Catholics outside the Roman Catholic Church (i.e., members of the Orthodox Catholic, Old Catholic and our sect of Eastern Autocephalous Catholic Church) does not have anything remotely to do with the mythos of the \”virgin birth\” of Jesus.
The Immaculate Conception teaches that Mary, as the First Tabernacle, was born without the \”stain\” of that imaginary horror called \”original sin\”. It\’s an unhealthy and unbalanced teaching, because it demonstrates a lack of respect for what is so special of the Mother of Christ — and that is Her lifelong surrender to the Will of the Divine, and Her mindfulness of the fact that nothing could ever separate us from our connection to God. For that reason, She said \”yes\” to the angel, according to the tradition. It was her HEART that was \”immaculate\”.
Of course, disgruntled ex-catholics and uninformed Protestants love to seize the opportunity to turn the Feast of the Immaculate Conception into a chance to Catholic-bash. And that\’s unfortunate.
I agree with you, it\’s sad that the journalist was so ill-formed in her own faith as not to catch the difference. But sadder still is the fact that so many people\’s relationship with the divine is so weak and shaky that it requires belief in mythos as if it were to be taken as literal fact.
I don\’t know if any of the stories in the (arbitrarily selected) canonical scriptures are based on real or historic events at all. The gospels themselves disagree and contradict one another. And then there is the matter of them looking suspiciously identical in content to the older mythos of Mithras (the man-god). But even if all of it proved to be mythical and metaphoric stories (just like the metaphor of the Garden of Eden, the Flood, and the Exodus), it would not shake my relationship to Truth, which I relate to as Incarnate Love in the embodiment of the Christ.
Too bad more of them don\’t feel that way! Kudos to you for your post!
Actually, I know Mary Klaus. She is indeed a good Catholic woman and the sister of a priest. But I agree with you that she should have either written around the mistake, or, more importantly, shown the face of Christ while correcting Ms. Rudy.
As a devout Catholic I try to mirror Mary’s “YES” to God in my daily life. You know, she could have said “no” to Gabriel. Total acceptance is not the easiest thing in the world.
And I would think that if you were to use the name “Silence of Mary” when dealing with tortured youth it would be more to the point to say that the facility was called that because of how Mary kept silent as her only child was tortured and then crucified. Part of her agreement with God was that this must happen and she kept her bargain.
A prayer group that I belong to recently spent part of our time together discussing what we might have said to our son’s persecutors had we been in Mary’s place. Can you imagine her pain? And, as the Rudy’s are doing, she must have wanted to rescue him.
At least I think it’s a much better reason for the name.
Re: your earlier point regarding the creche —
I know many Anglican/Episcopalian families that have an empty creche until Christmas day, and then the baby Jesus is placed in it. But more to your point, especially if there are children in the household, the wisemen begin their journey at the far end of the house and are moved closer and closer to the creche but do not arrive until —
I think that’s a lovely custom; just thought I’d share!