A Thousand Times

December 31, 2012

What can be said in New Year rhymes
That’s not been said a thousand times?
— Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 1850-1919
American poet

holi12badge-snowmanI’ve spent several hours over the last few days reviewing my year by reading my entire handwritten journal (410 pages this year), plus about 50 pages in the handwritten project diary I started keeping for my novel-in-progress when I got back from Bread Loaf. This was part of the Not-So-Big-Life Year End Ritual I found last year but did not complete. Actually doing it this year counts as an achievement for me, since I’ve been saying that my six-word autobiohraphy should be “She never finished anything.”

Reading this material, a haphazard chronicle of events, facts, prayers, quotations from my reading, fiction exercises, notations about the time and temperature when I sit down to write, I discovered some things (I read more than I thought, mostly short stories) and was confirmed in some things (the dislocations that began in September derailed almost all of my best-laid plans).

And here I am on New Year’s Eve, the next-to-last day of Holidailies, having wobbled in that as well but happy that I had more enthusiasm for it than I had last year. Two pieces were chosen as “Best of” pieces, and that makes me very happy.

The graphic below showed up on a friend’s Facebook feed this morning, and I have appropriated it. The Christmas balls are in the very colors that I use to represent my Six Goals of a Quality Life. I’ve written them down for what seems like a thousand times. Here’s to one more chance to get it right.

“The new years come, the old years go,/ We know we dream, we dream we know,” writes Ella Wheeler Wilcox. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a thousand times more: Thank you for reading, so much, so often.


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