June 11, 2006
It’s time to head straight for the hills,
It’s time to live and have some thrills!
Come along and have a ball!
A regular free-for-all!
It’s summertime summertime sum-sum-summertime
Summertime summertime sum-sum-summertime
Summertime summertime sum-sum-summertime
                  — Thomas Earl Jameson and Sherman Feller, American singer-songwriters
AÂ long-time journaller whose work I follow has not had an easy time of it these last two years. She’s had health problems and family complications and job chaos. She was silent for almost a year, surfaced early in 2005 for a few weeks at a new site, dropped the updates after about a month, came back to participate fully in Holidailies, and then sputtered out again when that ended. In the middle of May she posted a note that said she would updating over the weekend. That has not happened.
Nor has any updating happened here. On May 3 I posted a long and detailed whine about utility glitches in the neighborhood. And then, well . . .
I went to Atlanta, had a typical workshop experience, learned while I was there that I had been admitted to Bread Loaf, toured the Martin Luther King National Historic Site and the Margaret Mitchell House (birthplace of Gone with the Wind — she wrote the bulk of it there in 1935 while recuperating from a broken leg), came home, suffered for almost a week from barotrauma (the technical term for “airplane ear,” a buildup of fluid behind the eardrum which causes vertigo and hearing loss), and got serious (again) about my writing.
So here we are. I have two days left to submit revisions to the manuscript that I learned from in Atlanta so I can learn different things in Vermont. And I’m ready to start up again here. This is a “placeholder” piece. I’ll move forward, but also work up notes from the Atlanta trip and fill in the blanks. Thanks for still being with me!