Fridge Friday IV

NaBloPoMo 2007November 23, 2007

The state of the refrigerators in the Jentel house the morning after the feast:

Fridge Friday IV — View 1

The leftovers aren’t really taking up a lot of space. What’s left of the turkey is on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator pictured at left (we had to remove the crisper drawer). The stuffing, the cardamom rolls, the Brussels sprouts, and some assorted exotic cheeses and smoked salmon are in the packages to the left of my bottle of caffeine free diet Coke. (I am the only soda drinker in the group.) The potatoes are, I think, in the foil-covered stainless steel bowl on the top shelf.

We put the turkey neck (which someone said looked like a severed penis, albeit in my view a very thin one — free range organic birds tend to have thin necks, I’m told) and the heart and liver in a bowl for the cats and put it outside last night. Mattie the border collie found it first, breaking the bowl as she nudged it down off the bench where we’re supposed to put the cat food to keep it out of Mattie’s way.

The pies — where are the pies? They don’t seem to be in the refrigerator pictured below. I really haven’t looked in there except to open it for this photograph because I haven’t been storing anything there. The pantry is full as well with dry goods — assorted teas and coffees, crackers and cookies, microwaveable Thai entrees and soup, some Rice-A-Roni, many different cereals, as well as the “house” items: sugar and flour and oils and vinegars, spices, pan spray, a first aid kit, and the dry cat food. We are low on Band-Aids and Parmesan cheese. We are out of aluminum foil and plastic wrap.

I might run out of half and half before the town run on Thursday. This might be when I’ll find out if Enterprise will pick me up way out here.

Fridge Friday IV — View 2

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