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Maylilies LogoMay 6, 2005

We have a college sophomore in the family! Lynn took her last final yesterday morning and was home by early afternoon. She left a message on my cell phone a few hours later to tell me triumphantly that she had passed chemistry and that all was well with her status at school. (In Lynn's curriculum, "passing" means C.)

Lynn is in a seven-year program that leads to a Doctor of Optometry degree. She spends her first three years at Millersville as a biology major, then goes to the Philadelphia College of Optometry to undertake the four-year professional program there. The bachelor's degree is awarded after the first year at Philadelphia. (She always has the option to switch to the traditional preparation that calls for four-and-four.)

In my first semester of college I took freshman composition, psychology, US history, and music appreciation. (I was already a card-carrying member of the American Federation of Musicians, playing second violin in the local symphony and hired periodically at union rates by church choirs.) There was also a basic college algebra course and a science course that might best be described as "Biology for Poets." We memorized a lot of terms and had a one-hour lab where we looked at slides and examined an articulated skeleton that, we were told, had probably once belonged to an indigent woman in some very poor country whose family had not the means to bury her. (As a matter of fact, I did write a poem about her, but I no longer have it. I do however, still have my math book and my biology notebook.)

Lynn's first year schedule was not nearly so soft. She jumped right in with a zoology class, a chemistry class, and calculus. The science classes each entailed three-hour labs. She also played field hockey, an endeavor that took up a lot of time, especially for some of the away games that required seven hours of travel. At least there was "Wellness," a sort of extension of the basic common sense that any good high school health class offers. (Lynn says they handled condoms instead of just talking about them.) In her second semester, with field hockey behind her and a less time-consuming training regimen, she took the second half of the science and math classes as well as a writing class and a speech class.

A piece of wisdom repeated often at family orientation days last June was, "You are not going into grade 13." The high school Lynn graduated from has a reputation for high academic standards. Even so, a certain amount of grade inflation creeps in. Like many of her classmates, Lynn has seen her grades slip from A's to B's or B's to C's.

Lynn achieves by dint of hard work, meticulous organization, and attention to detail. She never fails to complete an assignment and never misses a deadline. She's good at critical thinking and problem solving. But she is sometimes tripped up by tests which require cold recall of facts or formulas. Her chemistry professor favored that type of assessment over any other, a strategy which Lynn found almost impossibly challenging. The final counted for a major portion of the grade, and she nearly worried herself into a hospital.

But she persevered, and was rewarded. She'll finish her freshman year with an almost B average. One down, six or seven to go.

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Dwelling in Possibility 2004
 The Gestures of Trees 2003
My Letter to the World 2002
My Letter to the World 2001
My Letter to the World 2000
My Letter to the World 1999

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Margaret DeAngelis.

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